
Answer the Call for Speakers

Let your voice be heard!

Share your experience and expertise with the wide gamedev world at Game Access. As a speaker, you will be automatically granted a Premium Pass along with all of its benefits, plus a few extra ones:

  1. Premium Pass
  2. Assistance in finding and booking accommodation
  3. Access to the VIP lounge
  4. Entrance to the VIP mingle and all the parties
  5. Free catering
  6. An incredible experience

We are thrilled to hear you are considering speaking at the Game Access Conference 2024, unfortunately, our Open Call for Speakers is no longer accepting applications. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

Our advisory board

Our dedicated group of experts evaluates applicants after each round of the Call for Speakers. Committed to ensuring the highest quality and relevance, our board plays a pivotal role in curating an exceptional and colorful lineup of Speakers at the Game Access Conference.

CD Projekt Red
Graphic Design Specialist
Redhill Games
Executive Producer
Lead Game Programmer